Yesterday, was a busy day of run around. My one month marker in Jordan was also my last day of work at MoSD headquarters. Before I started my last day of work, I first had to go and receive my second HIV test at the dirtiest little center I have ever stepped into. Turns out that private medical tests are not accepted by big man government here. I assume that policy might have to do with the fact that individuals can easily get test results fixed by private doctors. I guess I should have known better.
Work has been slow since my main task giver moved to Canada. Oh the joys of inconstancy. Something I have come to accept, is that I can expect my plans to never work out the way I want them to. I can rely more on public transportation than I can the workings of any government institution. My experience with the hoop jumping within Jordan has been enlightening. Since the day was slow, I persuaded my fellow intern to take off work and travel marka with me. I needed to go and figure out my route and meet with my future boss. After, waiting for two hours and consuming two kibeh, one shwerma and one glass of terrible coffee, I was able to meet both of the head women at the shelter and explore the premises. Um tariq and Amal were on there way out so they wrapped things up quickly and concluded with an invitation to their art exhibit/party/food thing tomorrow. I can't wait to go and meet more of the women and see more of dar al wefaq. My time there will be challenging but I think that it will change me and them for the better.
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