(I am not fooling this guy.)
My quirky friend Tiffany is convinced that I am a hipster. She posted the picture of me above on Facebook with the determination of proving her exaggerated point. I have gone through this before with my room mates last year and I still stick to my guns.........I am not a hipster. I must admit that I do have some hipster tendencies but those stem from me being a young, modern, college student.
Ok, Urban Dictionary characterizes a hipster as this, "Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter."
and check.
So, I might qualify as a hipsteresque individual if we go of this standard definition. But I say, "who cares?" I am pretty confident that most of the students walking around BYU( actually every university campus in the world) is a hipster. Whether people are trying their hardest to be or not, the "hipster" style is almost inescapable and we will all just have to sit tight, keep are true interests close, our own personal styles intact, and sit this fad out.