Thursday, January 20, 2011

I have been shhhd

I have frequented the computer lab of the HLRC for over a year now and everyone knows the HLRC is a place of laughter, story telling, and loud conversations. Well, I was mistaken. I was told to lower my voice today. I demanded to know from whom this audacious complaint was coming. The employee/friend said he could not tell me.
I guess I will have to take my studying business somewhere else where.


  1. I think I was in there once when you were talking and someone shushed you then too! Don't be too offended though. Once I was shushed in the No Shhh Zone!!

  2. That is the worst. People need to chill out.

  3. Don't leave! The HLRC is awesome because you frequent it.

  4. So, I also found out harold hired a new girl. Not me. I deserve to work there.....why can't he figure that out?
