Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Coming down to the wire

I have been working my tail off trying to get the information out on the Jordan Internship for this summer. Now truth be told, I have not been the greatest advertiser but my unorthodox methods have proven sufficient( I mostly wait for people to ask me about it). I have talked to about 15 kids about the opportunity. The boss man says we can only take 6-8. I thought I was doing great. I was meeting with kids every day, setting up appointments, and emailing like a stay at home mom who just discovered chain mail.

Well, the deadline for applications is Friday and guess how many future developers of the world have actually put the effort into getting their applications done? Two, dos, إتنين, duex, dois, две.......!!!!!
I have sent out email reminders and I am hoping people are just good ol' fashion procrastinators. All I can do is sit and update the web page. Unfortunately, I have not met with any prospective interns like the ideal young man above but I have met with some good eggs. Hopefully, a boy like this will wander into the office sometime tomorrow.

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